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4 سبتمبر 2013

Cost Controller PMC

Job Description The Cost controller PMC is in charge of Commercial and Financial Reporting process and all the communication with Helios team to be compliant with group reporting instructions. Prepare and update all the financial files for the reporting and monitors the financial progress of the company computes operating fixed and variable costs and compares such costs to budgets. Reports periodic financial statements to the PMC Manager and ensures that accounting procedures and systems are adequate and functional. He is in charge of the preparation of all financial presentation. Duties Responsibilities • Follow up and update the Booking Invoicing data on weekly basis and communicate to the Finance business partners. • Be in charge of the preparation of all the reporting files and processes. • Recommend benchmarks for measuring the financial and operating performance of the legal entity and the consolidation at country level. Develop implement effective Scoreboards for Financial KPI To be determined with PMC Manager with analysis vs Y1Q1M1 • Monitor and analyze monthly company results against budget. • Manage the preparation of the monthly official dashboard report • Manage the preparation of financial outlooks and financial forecasts. • Develop implement and document tools for the HFM reporting package with continuous updates. • Ensure compliance with local Schneider Electric corporate reporting requirements. Monitor Schneider Reporting on HFM in respect with reporting instructions. • Prepare and implement a reporting HFM user guide. • Organize and prepare a back up for the reporting process. • Assist in the budget Business review and Rolling Forecast preparation. • Responsible of undertaking any work related to the Performance monitoring centre department advised by PMC manager. • Work under the responsibility of the PMC Manager. Qualification • Bachelor's degree in FinanceAccounting. • Knowledge of finance accounting budgeting and strong level in reporting principles. • Ability to analyze financial data and prepare financial reports statements and projections. • Work requires professional written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to motivate teams to produce quality materials within tight timeframes and simultaneously manage several projects. • Experience between 2 and 5 year in reporting field. • Be fluent in English. Written and spoken Relationship 1. Internal with all departments 2. External Reporting and Performance Measurement Analysis team at zone and Corporate level Employee is obligated to respect the Principles of Responsibility and the Chart of Authority.


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003245635.html

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