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14 يوليو 2016

Urgent Opening For Pharmacy Technician With Haad License

Helps health care providers and patients by greeting them in person and by phone; answering questions and requests; referring inquiries to the pharmacist. Maintains pharmacy inventory by checking pharmaceutical stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed medications and supplies; placing and expediting orders; verifying receipt; removing outdated drugs. Maintains a safe and clean pharmacy by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations. Protects patients and employees by adhering to infection-control policies and protocols. Organizes medications for pharmacist to dispense by reading medication orders and prescriptions; preparing labels; calculating quantities; assembling intravenous solutions and other pharmaceutical therapies. Maintains records by recording and filing physicians' orders and prescriptions. Generates revenues by calculating, recording, and issuing charges. Ensures medication availability by delivering medications to patients and departments Prepares reports by collecting and summarizing information. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Relevant Degree Exp : 1 to 2 years License : HAAD license Nationality : Any Gender : Any Benefits as per UAE labor law

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/29SMA7s

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