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11 أبريل 2016

School Counselor.

The school counselor establishes the school counseling program and develops activities and resources to implement and evaluate the program. The school counselor involves other school staff in making decisions about the school counseling program. 2. Major Function: Counseling The school counselor provides individual and group counseling services to meet the developmental, preventive, and remedial needs of students 3. Major Function: Consulting The school counselor consults with students, parents, teachers, and other school and community personnel to assist in meeting the needs of students. 4. Major Function: Coordinating The school counselor coordinates all counseling services for students and assists with the coordination and implementation of student services in the school. The counselor also assists teachers with the Guidance Curriculum. 5. Major Function: Student Appraisal The school counselor accurately interprets test results and other student data. The counselor also assists teachers with the educational placement of students by using appropriate educational assessment strategies. 6. Major Function: Professional Practices and Development The school counselor adheres to ethical standards of the counseling profession, and abides by the laws, policies, and procedures that govern the schools. The counselor also participates in professional associations and upgrades professional knowledge and skills when needed.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1NlWaHY

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