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22 ديسمبر 2015

Planning Engineer – KSA

Our Client is A Saudi Construction company is ranked number one among the top turnkey construction companies in the region needs the requirement of Planning & Sr. Planning Engineers Electrical, Mechanical & Civil Riyadh Brief: • Required planning engineers from these backgrounds (Electrical, Mechanical & Civil) with minimum 3 years of planning experience for construction projects; residential, commercial, infrastructure, MEP, EPC & power stations. • Good experience in MS office & Primavera software is a must. • Experience in SAP is an advantage. • Bachelor degree in Electrical, Mechanical or Civil Engineering. Person Specification 1. B.S. suitable Engineering certificate, 2. At least 3 years experience in with a repair or service industry. 3. Good at pc skills (MS. Windows, office, Internet & Primavera). 4. Should has creative& innovative thinking, Initiative and resourcefulness, communication skills, Problem solving & judgment, strategic thinking, resource management, impact & influence, team work. Key Accountability & Competency Area: 1. selecting the appropriate techniques and sequence of events for a particular project 2. presenting schedules of work, often with visual aids such as bar charts and procedures diagrams 3. using specialist planning computer software, such as Primavera or Expedition 4. monitoring progress throughout the construction process and comparing this with the projected schedule of work 5. liaising with the site personnel throughout the process, making adjustments to projects as necessary 6. preparation of accurate monthly budget updates and projection of final expenditure updates 7. identification of possible cost over-runs before commitment to expenditure 8. making recommendations, and translating results into meaningful actions/programs/processes 9. preparation of reports – monthly progress, cash flow 10. providing advice and support on the development of specific systems Right & Interested candidates send your updated CV with photo to hr(@)masterhr.com Subject : Planning Engineer – KSA

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1YtQKFa

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