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Custom Search

26 نوفمبر 2015

Billing Accountant

Vacancy: Billing Accountant for a shipping multinational company Objective / Purpose of the Job To enter and distribute complete, accurate, timely billing data in order to produce clean invoices to our customers, to ensure all the revenue is invoiced correctly to our customers in a timely manner and to deliver best in class billing efficiency. Billing Activities Daily – Weekly – Monthly To enter accurate and timely billing data in order to facilitate timely revenue recorded & payments and to prevent invoicing queries. • Check consignments rating for exceptions & rejections. • Reconcile billing data inline with the relevant policies, processes and system. • Complete billing data in systems for invoicing. • Ensure billing process is completed in a timely manner. Billing Activities Daily – Weekly - Monthly • Check cash consignments to differentiate between the global link data with the default cash rate card. • Printing the customers' consignments through the main frame option. • Preparing credit notes for (cash & duty) paper work with attached approval as per authorization matrix Passing credit notes for cash & duty and credit accounts on mainframe system Quality Control of Consignment Note Data • To ensure adequate stocks of pre-printed consignments are supplied to regular customers.. • To ensure checks are in place to identify invalid combinations of products, billing options, premium options. • Printing the weekly and monthly invoices and retain all printed invoices in box files for audit purposes. Internal Communication To ensure smooth internal and cross-functional communication, following set processes and channels, in order to provide timely and accurate billing information to customers. • Escalate billing issues to superiors in a timely manner. • Liaise with other departments, when necessary, to maintain billing data accuracy. • Report systems issues to ensure a timely resolution. Preferred Experience and Knowledge Bachelor degree in accounting 0 - 2 years of experience in the same field Excellent knowledge in Microsoft application especially in Excel and word. High proficiency in data analysis Attention to details Good communication skills High level of accuracy Note: the selected candidate will be in a monitoring and evaluation process in the first 6 months. If you are interested please send your updated CV aligned with a recent photo to, Email: mohamed.marzok@outlook.com Please quote “Billing Accountant “ in the subject line.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/21ibe2v

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