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9 سبتمبر 2015

School Doctor

The Role Objectives: School Doctor working in a School Clinic to support the general well-being of the students and the Faculty .the Doctor will perform her duties in a professional manner, with the highest level of confidentiality, consistent with the regulations of AIS West. Reporting to: School Director. Subordinates: School Nurse Number required: 1 Gender: Female Duration: Academic year Desired start date: As soon as possible Probation: 3 month working Hours: 8:00 to 16:00, Sunday through Thursday. Requirements The School Doctor shall: • Hold a MB. Bch. General Medicine and surgery degree from a recognized medical university with a specialty in pediatrics, internal medicine and/or family medicine ( Preferably with Masters degree ) • Hold a current license for the practice of medicine in Egypt (license never suspended nor revoked). • Show evidence of successful health care experience working with children and adolescents. • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of child growth and development, wellness education and current health issues. • Exhibit a personality that demonstrates enthusiasm and the interpersonal skills to relate well with students, staff, administration, parents, and community and social service agencies. • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in English & Arabic, both orally and written. • Excellent computer skills.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1Q0NYi5

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