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3 يونيو 2015

Software Process Improvement Analyst / Project Manager (SPI )

-Define different sets of software related process. -Deploy SPI practices. -Research and propose quality and process -improvements tools. -Devise a complete strategic plan for taking the --company from undefined process to a process mature setting. -Plan process certification endeavors and handle communications with certifying bodies. -Bring awareness of SPI to culture and establish SPEG within company. -Gather information on how teams work from Team Leads and Subject Matter Experts. -Document process definition and process activities. -Research and institutionalize SPI related tools for software development. -Define necessary templates and reporting. -Audit departments for compliance to deployed processes and fill compliance reports. IT Project Management: -Track IT, processes and internal initiatives -Conduct Internal Audits: track matrix KPIs of teams, performance of people, track data such as response times -Provide tactical management, administration and leadership throughout project teams. -Develop a project plan that is delivered within the agreed tolerances of time/budget. -Work in partnership with different business and technical stakeholders. -Coordination of multi-disciplinary global project teams to deliver technology projects of varying size and complexity, focusing specifically on software projects. -Devise a complete strategic plan for taking the company from undefined process to a process mature setting.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1QpkCcs

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