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26 مايو 2015

Online Math Tutor

Position Description: Title: ONLINE MATH TUTOR Reports to: Director, Online Tutoring Daily Responsibilities: Will work directly with college students over the Internet to provide assistance with homework and test preparation in all levels of mathematics (pre-algebra through calculus). Responsibilities will include: • Facilitating development of learning skills and concepts • Assisting students in solving problems without doing their work for them using the Socratic Method and other pedagogical methods • Providing guidance and encouragement while maintaining a positive attitude • Facilitating learning without lecturing the material • Answering specific questions about material presented • Assisting students in learning problem solving strategies and methods of studying • Keeping proper records and turning them in to Ali Enterprise. Position is seasonal, full- or part-time (minimum 20 hours per week), staff level, with opportunity of advancement. Describe Ideal Candidate: Currently in school (we will accommodate class schedule, if necessary), or a graduate of college. Candidate must also be comfortable using computers and be Internet savvy. Must be flexible, willing, and able to learn new skills. Position Requirements: • Ability to work from our office in 6th of October City, Egypt • Masters/Doctoral level graduate or currently enrolled in graduate or undergraduate-level courses with 2 years minimum study in tutor discipline • Ability to pass a rigorous subject-area exam • Minimum overall GPA 2.5, with no less than a C grade in tutoring subjects • Strong verbal and written communication skills • Patience in working with students for whom learning does not come easily • Responsible, dependable, and organized work habits

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1HuNzPi

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