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18 أبريل 2015

Faculty Position in Transportation Engineering

The Civil Engineering Department of Abu Dhabi University is seeking applications from qualified candidates in the area of Transportation Engineering to join in spring 2015 or fall 2015.nbsp Screening of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.

Required qualifications and skills

8226nbsp Doctoral degree in transportation engineering or highly related field from an accredited institution of higher education addition to an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering.

8226nbsp Proven scholarship and publication record in one or more of the following areas intelligent transportation planning multimodal transportation systems traffic engineering or GIS applications in the field of transportation engineering.

8226nbsp Ability to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas indicated above as well as other courses related to surveying GIS or other basic civil engineering courses.

8226nbsp Interest in active contribution to department college and university service in addition to student advising.

Desired qualifications and skills

8226 Registration as professional engineer P.E. or P. Eng..

8226 Experience with ABET accreditation requirements.

via http://ift.tt/1CXhUnZ

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