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Custom Search

29 يناير 2015

Junior Curriculum Developers Vacancies in Alexandria

Junior Curriculum Developers Vacancies in Alexandria • If you are a fresh graduate and you are looking for a fast growing career path in Curriculum Developing field Nour Academy is now giving the opportunity for all qualified fresh graduates to join its internship for preparing them to be hired to be one of its talented employees. • We are looking for fresh graduates who are willing to be trained to become professional and talented Curriculum Developers. Job Purpose After a brief internship chosen candidates will be responsible for developing curricula for teaching Arabic as a foreign language. They will be required to create the relevant learning content activities and tests following the directions of an Instructional Designer and Subject Matter Expert SME. Job Qualifications • An ideal candidate should be very passionate about education in general and about the mission of our Academy in particular. • Creative and a quick Learner • Excellent Research Skills • Excellent Command of Ms. Tools • Knowledge of Adobe Suite. • Proven ability to meet deadlines and work independently • All educational backgrounds are encouraged to apply • A background with diverse experiences is a plus • Living in Alexandria After Training the Curriculum Developer should be able to Commit to Style Guides and 508 Rules. Consult with the SME on overall content Scriptstoryboard learning material Evaluate development to specified design and agreed quality Liaise with project partners for the support of the project Prepare practical sheets tests with their model answers Convert information into practical deliverables Effectively and efficiently communicate and report information in written format in both Arabic and English languages If you are interested please send your C.V to hrnouracademy.com . Make sure to mention the job title in the subject of your email in order for your CV to be considered. Please share the post in order to help Fresh Graduates to find their suitable job

via http://ift.tt/1CCZNX8

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