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Custom Search

29 يناير 2015

Financial Audit Managers

Job Description

With more than 35 managed properties in KSA and Kuwait our flagship brand Boudl Hotels amp Resorts celebrates the drive focus and resilience of our guests while focusing on exceptional service and genuine comfort. As part of Boudl Hotels amp Resorts team youll work to make the most of the travel experience of each and every guests. Find Your World at BoudlHotels amp Resorts.

Summary of Responsibilities

Reporting to the General Manager responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following

Consistently offer professional friendly and engaging service

Lead and manage the Accounting department and ensure all standards are followed

Compile and analyze financial information to prepare financial statements including monthly and annual reports

Ensure financial records are maintained in compliance with accepted policies and procedures

Ensure all financial reporting deadlines are met

Ensure accurate and efficient monthly quarterly and year end close

Establish and monitor the implementation and maintenance of accounting control procedures

Balance operational administrative and Colleague needs

Continuously manage and support budget and forecast activities and assist Departmental Leaders as required

Oversee the financial audit preparation and coordinate the audit process

Ensure accurate and appropriate recording and analysis of revenues and expenses

Analyze and advise on business operations including revenue and expenditure trends financial commitments and future revenues

Analyze financial information to recommend or develop efficient use of resources and procedures provide strategic recommendations and maintain solutions to business and financial problems

Follow departmental policies and procedures

Follow all safety policies

Other duties as assigned


Senior Leadership experience in accepted accounting practices and principles required

Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications and relevant computer applications required

UniversityCollege degree in a related discipline required

Excellent communication and organizational skills

Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities

Highly responsible amp reliable with exceptional attention to detail

Ability to work cohesively as part of a team

Ability to focus attention on guest needs remaining calm and courteous at all times

Ability to communicate in Arabic an asset


Strong results orientation i.e. delivery on time with quality including appropriate sense of urgency and proactive approach

Expert in using Sun System Opera or Fidelio Suite 8 and material control

Comfortable interfacing with a diverse group of individuals

Honest trustworthy discreet and careful with confidential information

Teamoriented and peoplecentric

Exceptional attention to detail

Selfreliant flexible resilient

Resultsfocused mindset

Excellent problem solving and conflict resolution skills

Quantifiable track record of success

Strategic thinker

Excellent interpersonal communication and presentation and writing skills

High energy level maturity and integrity

This job is posted in the following Specialties

Hotels Hotel Management Hospitality Financials Asset Finance


Accounting or any major related to finance

via http://ift.tt/1yDGo2c

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