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Custom Search

30 ديسمبر 2014

Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning ERP Support Engineer

VAM SYSTEMS is a Business Consulting IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE Qatar Bahrain USA Australia Singapore amp India.

VAM SYSTEMS is currently looking for Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning ERP Support Engineer for our Qatar operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions

Skill set required

Microsoft Certified Technology SpecialistMCTS Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional MCITP Applications for Microsoft Dynamics.

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist MCTS Installation and Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics.

Microsoft Solutions Specialist for Microsoft Dynamics Desired.

3 5 years of experience in Microsoft Dynamics ERP database design testing implementation installation upgrade production support maintenance and administration in a multiple platform environment.

Microsoft certifications in SQL Dynamics AX.

Good knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics ERP workflow to write review and troubleshoot SQL.

Working knowledge with Microsoft Dynamics ERP modules such as Financial Management Human Capital Management Supply Chain Management Project and Accounting Management Business Intelligence and reporting.

Working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics ERP Architecture Framework Technical Stack Data Dictionary and DBMS packages.

Working knowledge of SQL including tuning triggers and stored procedures.


Writes and speaks effectively in English and Arabic is able to clearly communicate with peers team and clients.

Selfmotivated selfdriven and able to make logical decisions to ensure the overall success of the project by creating designs that seamlessly address customer and business concerns and objectives.

Maintains accuracy amp always delivers on time despite pressing deadlines.

Adapts to changing priorities deadlines and directions.

Proactively offers to help solve problems.

Able to challenge conventional design approaches with new tactics and innovative executions. Able to project a professional image both personally and as a member of the Client IT team Excellent ability to articulate and communicate effectively with all levels of Client staff. Ability to contribute individually and lead manage or participate in crossfunctional teams Presentation organizational and analytical skills.

Able to work to high standards.

Enthusiastic with an ambitious work ethic.

Strong analytical mindset with a high focus and attention to detail.

A proactive approach to problem solving.

Able to work with minimal supervision and prioritize work to meet deadlines.

Have a customer and service oriented approach.

Ability and willingness to learn new things.

Highly selfmotivated goaloriented and selfdirected.

Desire to work in an everchanging highperformance fastpaced environment.

Able to multitask triage issues react well to changes and work independently.

Demonstrated ability to maintain poise under stress and to respond quickly logically and patiently to questions or requests.

Extremely creative team player willingness to go the extra mile detail oriented highly organized.

Proven experience in meeting deadlines work prioritization and time management.

Project Management skills.

Terms and conditions

Joining time frame nbspnbsp2 weeks maximum 4 weeks

The selected candidates shall join VAM SYSTEMS – Qatar and shall be deputed to one of the leading Organizations in Qatar.

Should you be interested in this opportunity please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at You can apply or contact us using the Apply Online Box below or call 91 4762684924

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/airlines/004279512.html

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