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29 ديسمبر 2014

Director of Nursing

Job Summary

The Director of Nursing is responsible and accountable for managing the Nursing Department and ensuring that superior quality nursing services are provided to patients in a timely efficient and cost effective manner.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

bull Direct and oversee all nursing activities at the hospital and ensure the continuous and timely availability of nursing services to patients.

bull Direct and oversee the following activities

Oslash Nursing Education

Oslash Central Sterile Supplies

bull Develop and communicate the vision and mission statement of the Nursing Department.

bull Manage the development and implementation of the Nursing guidelines policies and procedures.

bull Develop implement and evaluate departmental goals and objectives.

bull Develop and manage departmental budget.

bull Coordinate the nursing administrative practice and programs to support and facilitate the goals and objectives of the Nursing Department and the Hospital.

bull Liaise with other senior hospital personnel to resolve nursing related organizational problems.

bull Foster a climate of mutual understanding and an appreciation of crosscultural differences inherent in both a multicultural society and client base.

bull Maintain effective interdepartmental communication to facilitate the process of rendering nursing services in a cost effective manner.

bull Ensure a positive community relationship and image.

bull Ensure that nursing standards of patient care and standards of nursing practice are consistent with current nursing research findings and internationally recognized professional standards.

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bull Implement the findings of current research from nursing and other literature into the policies and procedures governing the provision of nursing care.

bull Conduct short and long range strategic planning in accordance with Hospital objectives.

bull Submit monthly report to Hospital Administration and any additional reports as required.

bull Handle employeepublic relation problems as they may arise out of the performance of the duties of the respective nursing functions especially in regard to nursing care of patients.

bull Serve on or appoints Nursing representatives to major interdisciplinary committees.

bull Communicate and discuss the departmentrsquos guidelines and procedures with all the staff to ensure responsibilities authorities and accountabilities for all staff are defined and understood.

bull Provide guidance and leadership to all nursing staff to ensure effective and efficient flow of work and ensure all employees recognize their fundamental role in the department.

bull Delegate some of responsibilities to appropriate subordinates in order to benefit from smooth running of the departmentrsquos operation.

bull Conduct annual performance appraisal to review employee work performance. Carryout disciplinary meetings when appropriate. Recommend salary adjustments rewards and promotions based on employee performance.

bull Monitor the adherence of nursing staff to the hospitalrsquos guidelines policies and procedures.

bull Ensure effective departmental performance through the selection development deployment and motivation of competent nursing staff.

Reporting to

bull Hospital Director General


bull Nursing Section Heads

bull Nursing Education

bull Central Sterile Supplies

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A minimum of

bull Bachelorrsquos degree in Nursing with a minimum of 15 years of related experience.

bull Experience in a health care organizations within Nursing to include a minimum of five 5 years as a Director of Nursing or Assistant Director of Nursing.

bull Middle East experience is preferred.

bull Experience working with multicultural nursing staff.

bull Strong organizational skills and ability to coordinate hospitalwide nursing initiatives.

bull Strong interpersonal skills such as leadership communication persuasion motivation and loyalty.

bull Ability to select develop manage and motivate Nursing personnel.

bull Must be a professional of unquestionable integrity credibility and character.

bull Proficiency in English.


bull This job description is subject to periodic review and may be changed at any time in consultation with the employee.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/riyadh/nursing/004277300.html

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