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20 نوفمبر 2014

Vice President Regional Manager of Schools

The role of Vice President VP is a new role designed to support the ambitious drive for growth and quality. The VP will lead and manage a group of schools that will be agreed on appointment based on operational and financial size.

The span of responsibilities and accountabilities focus on the financial and business targets and require an enhanced degree of commercial acumen together with a passion for improving education outcomes in schools.

The VP will be accountable to the Chief Executive Officer – GCC Schools for achievement of financial and educational KPIs through the designated line management.

Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities

• Set the strategy for and provide leadership and direction to the Principals of the Core Group of Schools CGS in line with the GEMS Vision and Core Values.

• Deliver educational and financial results for the CGS and for GEMS in line with agreed business plan which includes land acquisition targets

• Improve student outcomes and narrow the student attainment gap across the CGS.

• Ensure the CGS articulates and consistently applies the GEMS philosophy and Core Value base.

• Build the capability and infrastructure of the CGS to meet current and future challenges.

• Ensure compliance with all regulatory authorities and foster positive relationships.


Personal Specifications

•Successful track record of senior leadership in a commercial environment

•Experience of working effectively with partner agenciesbusinesses

•Evidence of leadership of successful change management

•Experience in effective strategic and operational resource management

via http://ift.tt/1xFDOOn

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