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21 نوفمبر 2014
Oracle DBA for Bahrain
VAM SYSTEMS is a Business Consulting, IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM SYSTEMS is currently looking for Oracle DBA for our Bahrain operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Skill set required: • 3 year of experience in administration of Oracle DBA plus solid knowledge of SQL and PL-SQL. • DBA should be certified as (OCP and MCDBA) • Experience in Weblogic Application Server. Responsibilities: • Install new version of the Oracle and (MS-SQL) RDBMS and its tools and any other tools that access the Oracle database and (MS-SQL). • Creates and maintains all data bases required for development, testing, staging and production usage. • Performs the capacity planning required to create and maintain the databases. The DBA will work closely with systems administration staff and helpdesk because computers often have application or tools on them in addition to oracle, MS-SQL Databases. • Performs on going tuning of the databases instances by Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the database. • Controls migration of programs database changes, reference data changes and menu • Changes through the development life cycle. • Implements and enforces security for all of the Oracle and (MS-SQL) Databases in addition of controlling and monitoring user access to the database. • Performs database re-organizations as required to assist performance and ensure maximum uptime of the database. • Puts standards in place to ensure that all application design and code is produced with proper integrity, security and performance, The DBA will perform review on the design and code frequently to ensure the site standards are being adhered to. • Evaluates releases of Oracle and its tools and third party products to ensure that the site is running the products that are most appropriate. Planning is also performed by the DBA, along with the application developers and system administrators, to ensure that any new product usage or release upgrade takes place with minimal impact. • Enforces and maintains database constraints to ensure integrity of the database. • Administers all database objects, including tables, database objects. • Troubleshoots with problems regarding the databases, applications and development tools. • Create new database users as required and maintain system security. • Manage sharing of resources amongst applications. • The DBA has ultimate responsibility for the physical database design. • Allocating system storage and planning future storage requirement for the database system. • Generating various reports by querying from database as per need. • Maintain archived data. • TEST ENVIRONMENT CREATION AND BACKUP& SIMULTATION. Terms and conditions: Joining time frame: 2 weeks (maximum 1month). The selected candidates shall join VAM SYSTEMS – Bahrain and shall be deputed to one of the leading Organizations in Bahrain. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call us +91 476 2681150.
via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1ArKxN2
via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1ArKxN2
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