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28 نوفمبر 2014

Looking a physiotherapist or massage therapist job

salm aalkum how are you im moroccan nationality living now in tunisia i would like to apply for any the position like MASSAGE THERAPIST or PHYSIOTHERAPIST i have many experiences in field fitness and physical education and massage therapy and physiotherapy i know all types the massage relaxlogy refelixology more types chair thairelax sweedish ston facial relax for feet hand head ..... and sport massage and medical massage experiences of moroccan hamame.i have diplomes of sports coaching and cardiotraining and personel coacing and fitness instructor aqua fitness sports yoga i can speak more 5 languages i can do anythings i can work in 3 position if you need fitness instructor and massage therapist or physiotherapist too i don t have any problem if you intersting please write to me or call me i will be send you all informations about me and copies of diplomes my number phone 0021692826290 . my email NAVYSEAL184YAHOO.FR

via http://ift.tt/1rCDU2a

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