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29 سبتمبر 2014

General Manager

JOB OBJECTIVETo lead and direct the effective and efficient management of QSS providing strategic direction policies and guidelines to facilitate the achievement of business objectives in line with the vision and mission of the company while ensuring adherence to guidelines and maximizing the returns.

KEY ACCOUNTABILITIESDescriptionStrategy Formulation Implementation and Planning In conjunction with the Chairman and the senior management team formulate and lead the implementation of the QSS strategy in line with QIG’s vision mission and corporate objectives. Ensure that the overall strategy is translated into annual operational business plans for QSS and the performance is monitored annually to ensure business plans are in line with the overall strategy.Leadership Lead the effective achievement of functional objectives through leadership of QSS and by setting of individual objectives managing performance recruiting qualified staff developing and motivating staff provision of formal and informal feedback and appraisal – in order to maximise subordinate and departmental performance.Organisation Structure Define an optimum organisation structure and direct the development of functional structures so that resources are optimally utilised and communication can take place in an efficient manner.Budgets and Plans Direct the preparation and consolidation of QSS budgets including the projected cash flows for projects as well as the general expenses and monitor financial performance versus the budget so that the business is aware of anticipated costsrevenues areas of unsatisfactory performance are identified and potential performance improvement opportunities are capitalised upon.Business Development Manage the identification and evaluation of potential new business opportunities to assess which are most likely to increase the company revenues andor the strength of the balance sheet and which are most feasible from a financial operational and technical perspective. Ensure the development of highlevel feasibility studies concepts and development briefs to highlight project and investment opportunities and present them to the Chairman and or Board of Directors.

via http://ift.tt/10cOGFg

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