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Custom Search

30 يوليو 2014

Senior Petrophysicist Job Opening for Client based in Malaysia

Job Description 1.Provide assistance in the selection of suitable well locations and in the preparation of well prognosis initiate and contribute to the development of petrophysical evaluation methods carry out Field Development planning workoverinfill drilling programs and Full Field Reviews. 2.Prepare supervise and quality control costeffective logging and coring programs and ensure best working practices state of the art techniques are applied. 3.Quality Control petrophysical data to ensure that data are correctly processed and presented in a suitable format by contractor companies for inhouse interpretation. 4.Conduct or quality control petrophysical interpretations using computer software applications workstation and PC based to quantify the petrophysical characteristics of the reservoirs and to improve knowledge of the reservoirs and to quantify reserves estimates and reservoir performance. 5.Construct maintain and update petrophysical models. 6.Coach and mentor junior petrophysicists in line with the established Technical Progression Career Plan TPCP for Petrophysicists. 7.Continuous enhancement of PCSB’s petrophysical engineering practices techniques and applications and identify opportunities for improvement. 8.Represent the Company at meetings with Joint Venture Partners and hostgovernment body to justify the data interpretation techniques and results obtained. 9.Undertake petrophysical data analysis and interpretations on wells and fields in order to provide information for economic evaluation for potential acquisition efforts.Key Skills upstream oil industrysubsurface evaluationpetrophysical data analysisAbout Company We are SOFOMATION a human resource staffing agency providing highest standards of quality and professionalism. We pride ourselves on our efficient professional and yet personal services both to our clients and applicants and our ability to supply the right staff complements the recruitment needs of our esteemed clientWe are having the following urgent openings in one of the leading oil and gas Company of Malaysia for the Position of Sr Petrophysicist more...


via http://ift.tt/1s2sUhg

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