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31 يوليو 2014

Sales Training Manager

1 Providing Field based coaching and practical support for Egypt on design and implementation of training field amp classroom for Zone Managers Sales Leaders and Representatives.

2 Support with the continued implementation and institutionalization of strong field fundamentals and training strategies.

3 Provide direction and leadership of sales objectives and achievement of Key Sales KPIs.

4 Analyze the market training needs and prepare business plan according to needs and budget.


Excellent training coaching and communication skills to PATD coach and master certification standard strong presentation skills results oriented leadership skills ability of managing cultural complexity and functional diversity.

Willingness to travel extensively within Egypt and abroad.

وصف الشركة

Avon is the world’s leading direct seller of beauty and related products with a global annual turnover of 8billion. Avon markets to women in over 100 countries through over 5 million independent sales Representatives often fondly known as the Avon Lady.

Avon product lines include the wellknown brands Anew Skin So Soft Avon Colour Advance Techniques and today tomorrow always.

via http://ift.tt/1rLcms3

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