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Custom Search

27 يونيو 2014

Document Control Manager

Job Description

Document Control ManagerAbu Dhabi Iraq

Excellent salary benefits Document Control Manager required for large scale projects based in Iraq.

My client provides project management and engineering services for selected oil amp gas projects worldwide. They have recently been awarded a large contract for services at the Rumaila Oil Field near Basra.


  • Provide functional guidance to the Document ControllersClerks and perform other related tasks as and when required

  • Establish and coordinate schedule for creating databases for tracking all technical and nontechnical documents and provide status update on a regular basis

  • Receive technical drawings from various discipline engineers and accurately fill the Technical Document Register reflecting details of the documents to be submitted to the Company

  • Distribute internally copy of transmittals and project documents to the office and site if deemed fit as per distribution matrix assigned. Receive reviewed documents from Company and make respective log entries and assign the approval codes for the commented drawings in TDR Technical Document Register

  • Interface with the vendor and obtain descriptions essential for the Vendor Document Register such as date of submittal vendor document number and number of vendor revisions. Maintain file for the attached purchase orders from vendor on receipt of the vendor documents along with the reference of the transmittals distribute to the respective engineers and quality engineers for review

  • Revise all documents and the allotted transmittal numbers for each stage of the vendor drawings. Ensure the vendor documents are duly filled and forwarded to reflect latest updates

  • File all the incoming documents and enclosures from the client according to the transmittal number. On request send vendor documents to the client for review. Communicate all comments received from client to the vendor

  • Liaise with vendors and expedite for timely submission of all documents as mentioned in the VDR

  • On completion of the contract prepare the project dossier reflecting all compiled documents

  • Verify if the Operating Maintenance Manual is in conformance with the quality standards. Maintain a comprehensive list of the entire quality test plans needed to be conducted on materials. Recommend changes to procedures and coordinate changes in standards. Tests investigations are conducted on the quality procedu more...


    via http://ift.tt/VuhzL3

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