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Custom Search

30 مايو 2014

Sales ManagerTOCS Tools Consumables amp Spare Parts

Job descriptionSandvik Construction seeks Sales Manager Tools Consumables Spare PartsThe roleThe Sales Manager is responsible for developing growing and maintaining dealer accounts. The key focus is to manage customerdealer relationships and achieve targeted revenues across the product line.Key performance areas In this role you will be required toContinuously improve and update personal knowledge with respect to product development and technical innovation.Develop and maintain a strong customer and dealer – Sandvik Construction relationship.Prepare and deliver presentations for customers dealers and the business area as required.Prepare quotations and tenders.Ability to prepare and implement business plan.Utilise GAP analysis in preparing plans setting targets and making action plans.Develop sales opportunities in the TOCS business with a view to increase business volume and market share.Create and manage account development plans.Prepare and achieve revenue budgets in TOCS sales for the relevant allocated distribution channels.Prepare timely reports on market activity sales and progress in account and business development.Ensure customers have the latest product technology enhancements and are aware of the latest developments to obtain better performance.Train dealers and business area personnel in the TOCS business.Ensure the customers are following Sandvik regulations related to payment terms. Monitor and report on customers’ ability to meet financial obligations to Sandvik. Conduct monthly reviews of account status.Provide feedback to the business so that continual improvements can be made in the approach to the customer.Ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure all employees are provided with a safe and healthy working environment. This includes compliance with the safety management program of Sandvik.Your profile The Sales Manager Tools Consumables Spare Parts will report to the Business Line Manager TOCS Tools Consumables. In this role you will be based in Dubai. In order to be successful in this role you will hold a university degree in a technical area or equivalent. You have knowledge of Sandvik products applications and the industry and have the ability to understand the needs of customers and are willing to travel approximately 200 days per year.As an individual you will be selfmotivated and possess excellent drive. In addition to this you will be a strong team player with the ability to build effective working relations. You will be articulate and possess strong interpersonal skills to collaborate with customers and dealers.You will have experience working with MS Office.Fluency in English both in writing and verbally is important and knowing other languages will be an asset.How to apply To apply please click on the ‘Apply Now’ button or access the Sandvik website http://ift.tt/1kp4ZAE further information about this position please contact Shaila Pai HR Services at 971 4 364 7254 or email your queries to shaila.paisandvik.com Applications close Thursday 19 June 2014Job Reference No. 331911Read more about Sandvik at www.sandvik.com Sandvik Construction Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying tunneling excavation demolition road building recycling and civil engineering. The range more...


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