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30 مايو 2014


Job descriptionCOMPANY INFORMATIONThe Refinery works for its 3.6 billion petrochemical complex to produce plastics in Sohar in the north of Oman. To be integrated to the Sohar Refinery after its ongoing expansion the Plastics Project will stand as the real kick off for the production of these petrochemical added value products in Oman. With this Plastics Project the production of plastics will jump from the current 200000 tons per year to 1.4 million tons per year by 2018JOB DESCRIPTIONDeliver all HDPE aspects at different stages of project until completion with HSE Standards. Coordinated input with relevant FEED Consultant PMC Licensors EPC Contractors and end users. Ensure ontime in scope and within budget delivery through regular progress reviews versus plan timely followups and implementation of course corrective measures. Develop and train Omani nationals assigned to the projectJOB REQUIREMENTSDegree qualified in chemical electrical or mechanical engineeringFive years relevant HDPE refineryplastic plant experience within majorlarge Oil and Gas projects Steam Cracker experience will be an advantageExperience with FEED and EPC phases of the projectDemonstrated ability to engage with and manage complex stakeholder inputDemonstrated ability to deliver quality results ontime in field of expertise Capable to work with multiple systems relevant to plan and execute workProven ability to meet highest HSE standardsJOB BENEFITSAn all inclusive monthly and tax free benefits packag more...


via http://ift.tt/1wzbsCY

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