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28 مايو 2014

General Manager Community Management

. Qatar's biggest Master Property Developer require a GM of the Community Management at The Pearl Qatar.


The GM Community Management acts on behalf of the Community Management and manages the Community Management Department.

With previous experience in heading a Strata CoOwners Association Management department the GM Community Management is able to successfully manage the department pertaining to Administration Financial Management and Human Resources. The GM Community Management is the point of contact between the Master Developer and the Community. Utilizing his experience and knowledge on Strata Association or Community Management heshe advises the Master Developer on best international practices of Community Management to amend the Master Community Declaration from time to time. As the contact point to the Master Developer the Director also assists in formulating policies procedures strategies and presentations to propose and recommend improvements changes to overall business strategy.



University degree in business law or related field as well as additional Community Management qualifications will be beneficial.


Member of a professional and certified Managing Agent Association will be beneficial.




812 years of Property and AssociationStrata Management experience with at least 45 years experience in managing a Strata

CoOwners Association

Management Department.


Experience in Settingup a Strata

CoOwners Association

Management D more...


via http://ift.tt/1mF11Zm

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