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28 مايو 2014

CCC Turbo Control System Engineer

. Qatar is currently one the fastest growing markets in the World economy and with the IMF predicting large growth it is easy to see why market confidence is so high in Qatar. With an economy based on high Oil Gas revenues and a solid investment policy from the Government the Qatari economy has continued to grow whilst the rest of the World struggled during the Credit Crunch.

Our client a leading Oil and Gas Exploration company is currently looking to recruit a CCC Turbo Control System Engineer on a 3 year contract starting in September 2014. The successful candidate must possess the following skills

Engineering graduate with Electronics or Instrumentation specialization.

Minimum of 8 or more years of experience in Industry preferably Oil and Gas Industry.

Minimum 4 years of experience in Compressor Controls Corporation CCC systems.

Sound knowledge of Turbo machinery control architecture implementation and troubleshooting.

Extensive experience on Surge and Performance Control system configuration tools and applications such as Train Tools® Diagnostic Software's HMI Tools etc.

Shall have experience in supporting Compressor Startup ShutdownSurge

Tests for optimum performance of rotating equipments. .

Must have recent experience in field of machinery Controls shall be able to provide technical solutions and service trainings on upgraded CCC Control systems hardware software.

Expertise on system administration and maintenance of Turbo machinery Control system and its network.

Experience on cyber security as applicable for process domain and network components like firewalls network switches and routers as required for Turbo machinery Control system

The successful candidates should be degree educated and hold a minimum of 8 years experience in relevant field. Previous GCC experience preferred but not essential.

If you are interested in working within the Qatari Oil and Gas market and have the required experience please email your CV and up to date contact details as soon as possi more...


via http://ift.tt/1pjlRAK

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