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28 أبريل 2014
ESL InstructorInternational School Teachers
Highest Salaries Worldwide Packages up to 4K USD Tax Free Per month Teach as an ESL InstructorPrimary amp Secondary Teachers in Saudi Arabia Skyline Global Solutions seeks qualified ESL Teachers and PrimarySecondary teachers for various Universities Institutes and International Schools in Saudi Arabia. Bask in the vast history and luxury of Arabia. You will only find these positions through Skyline Global Solutions a leader in international teaching jobs for Saudi Arabia. Skyline provides exclusive opportunities for teachers in western countries. Absolute Requirement Must be a native English speaker and have citizenship of US UK Australia New Zealand Canada or South Africa. We are looking for teachers to start JuneJulyAugust 2013. Duration 12 year contracts Position Titles ESL Instructors and PrimarySecondary Teachers available Type UniversityInstituteInternational Schools available. Gender Male amp Female Location Various Cities in Saudi Arabia Riyadh Dammam Khobar and more! Availability JuneJulyAugust 2013 The Prospective Instructor must possess the following credentials to qualify for this position Requirements • Bachelors039 Degree in and ESLEnglishEducation related field For AmericansCanadians only OR nbspnbsp nbspnbspnbspBachelors039 Degree amp TESLTEFLCELTA certificate All other citizenships • 12 years of teaching experience • Hardworking dynamic and computer literate • Native English speakers only Mandatory • Male or female candidates • Citizenship must be U.S. UK Canada South Africa Australia or New Zealand Job Description • Planning preparing and delivering lessons and workshops for groups and individuals • Designing and producing teaching materials and adapting existing materials • Carrying out assessments of students039 needs • Planning schemes of work • Assessing students039 progress • Keeping records • Attending team meetings • Attending and contributing to training sessions • Advising colleagues • Preparing information for inspection visits and other quality assurance exercises • Helping to draft and review institutional policies relating to the education of students • Engaging in continuous professional development CPD Compensation Package • Basic salary 2466 3500 USD per month TAX FREE • Housing. 400 USD stipend or fully provided and paid • Transportation. 133 USD • Health insurance prepaid roundtrip airfare visa and sponsorship paid • 30 day vacation and holiday paid • Sick days paid • Total package 3000 4033 USD TAX FREE packages vary see link for all details You won’t find any packages better than these for ESL Instructors in Saudi Arabia apply now! nbspnbspSkyline Global Solutions is your source positions abroad in Saudi Arabia. nbsp You can apply or contact us using the Apply Online Box below. Know a teacher interested in working in Saudi Arabia? Ask about our quotRefer A Teacherquot program which offers fees to the referrer if the teacher is successfully placed! ... Another position brought to you by Skyline Global Solutions… COME EXPLORE! via http://ift.tt/1mU5Qhb |
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