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1 أبريل 2014

Electrical HV Design Engineer

Design and Supervision of constructing and installing high voltage electrical wiring and systems 220KV minimum who is familiar with NEC and the design and supervision of transmission and distribution networks.


•MastersBachelor’s degree required must be a BSEE or BSEET due to the high voltage design requirement of this position

•Minimum Seven 7 years of HV Design of industrial construction electrical engineering experience

•Experience in Design and supervision of constructing and installing high voltage electrical wiring and systems 220KV minimumin middle east

•Familiar with NEC and the design and supervision of Transmission and distribution networks

•Demonstrated previous industrial building construction andor expansion experience required

•Previous project management experience required preferably at design and supervision level

•Solid knowledge and understanding of AutoCAD and Revit design software

•Hands on experience on ETAP and ZYME software for transmission and distribution

•HVMV protection design complete with SC calculations and Switchgear selection for smart grids

•Project management skills including analysis pricing BOQ and presentations

•UPDA grade A approval from State of QATAR preferred

via http://ift.tt/1jwtU9h

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