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1 مارس 2014

Internal Audit Officer

Principal accountabilities

•To assist the Internal Audit Manager of Damas Saudia in preparing an audit plan for the audit of Damas Saudia.

•To assist the Internal Audit Manager of Damas Saudia in completing the agreed audit plan.

•To assist the Internal Audit Manager of Damas Saudia in coordinating with the Risk Management function of the Audit Compliance and Risk Department of Damas International in the implementation of an Enterprise Risk Management ERM system for Damas Saudia.

•To review and audit compliance with the policies and procedures including the Delegation of Authority for Damas Saudia.

•To perform audits in key areas of activity including the shops operated by Damas Saudia.

•To perform audits at Damas locations in other countries as requested.

•To liaise with the external auditors of Damas Saudia as required.

•To keep updated of changes to accounting standards and best practice internal audit approach and standards.

•Perform any other tasks assigned by Internal Audit Manager of Damas Saudia or the Damas International Head of Audit Compliance Risk.


•Bachelor Degree

•Preferably qualified part qualified accountant

•Internal Auditing experience

•Good numerical and computer skills

•Integrity and good ethical awareness

•Preferably Arabic and English language

via http://ift.tt/OP0lom

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