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31 مارس 2014

Finance Admin Executive

About the Job

The Finance amp Admin Executive will be responsible of

  • The overall Analysis accounting records financial statements and other financial reports to assess accuracy completeness and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.

  • Working closely with the Financial Controller The Finance amp Admin Executive bears responsibility for directs and coordinates activities to implement institution policies procedures and practices.

  • HeShe will be responsible for forecasting and monitoring key indicators such as profit amp loss operating budgets cash flow analysis along with developing and monitoring internal procedures for payroll local purchasing accounts payable invoicing inventory control expenseaccount reporting and liability documentation.

  • The Finance amp Admin Executive will report directly to the Financial Controller.

  • Job Requirements

    • Plan organize direct implement and evaluate the activities of the Finance Department including the functions of financial accounting treasury purchasing amp contracts and audit.

    • Establish tables of accounts and assign entries to proper accounts

    • Develop maintain and analyze budgets preparing periodic reports that compare budgeted costs to actual costs.

    • Prepare forms and manuals for accounting and bookkeeping personnel and direct their work activities.

    • Survey operations to ascertain accounting needs and to recommend develop and maintain solutions to business and financial problems.

    • Develop and monitor internal procedures for payroll purchasing accounts payable invoicing inventory control expenseaccount reporting and liability documentation.

    • Prepares financial and regulatory reports required by law regulations and board of directors.

    • Knowledge of principles and procedures for personnel information system.

    • Keywords Finance

      Company Profile

      The Egyptian Child Care Corporation EC3 was established in 1999.

      The mission of EC3 is to enable children in Egypt and the Middle East to achieve their full potential through providing them with the best innovative services and quality education care.

      Todate EC3 has established 3 brands in its pursuit to achieve its mission The Baby Academy Indimaj and CampOMania.

      The Baby Academy is a chain of preschool centers with a mission to become the leader in early childhood education in Egypt and the Middle East. The Baby Academy is adopting stateofthe art educational curriculums techniques and premises. Currently in Egypt three centers are open with a total capacity of 685 children.

      Indimaj the first and largest edutainment Center in Egypt is designed over 2263 m2 to offer indoor and outdoor attractions for both the children and the parents to enjoy. At Indimaj children develop their social mental physical and emotional skills in a fantastic educational experience where fun and learning are intertwined.

      CampOMania is a camping program for children age 5 years to 9 years old. The mission is to promote character development and responsibility while offering the opportunity to children to try new things stimulate challenge develop and improve their skills. Through handson experiences the children explore their inner and outer worlds and find a match between the two.


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