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13 فبراير 2014

Track Design Manager 2741MBU

Job Reference 2741MBUTrack Design ManagerLocation Saudi ArabiaSalary 90000 100000 per annum Tax free Villa 4x4Job Type ContractIndustry Transport and RailTrack Design Manager The Track Design Manager for the onshore part of the project is responsible for preparing parts of the track and 3rd Rail design and supervision. This post is responsible for track design for Riyadh Metro Project. Network Links The Track Technical Manager will be in contact with Track Construction and Project Managers project engineers and technical managers systemwide. The Track Design Manager will also be in contact with other members of the Track Joint Venture. According to specific project needs the post will have contact with client's consultants and civil works consultants and contractors. The person will also be permanently in contact with this engineering and manufacturing firm with the design Managers' network. Many of the projects will require some specialised external support and this post will be involved in supervision of this support. Objectives Supervise and participate in the track design drawings calculations reports etc. closely coordinating all interface issues Analyse requirements and propose cost effective solutions to the project manager Bring Track and 3rd Rail design Expertise and Knowledge Manage the Track Design Work Package in accordance with QCD criteria Ensure that the design is compatible with the highest standards of health safety Ensure optimal design of interfaces within CJV and TSY Supervise part of the design from track suppliers Coordinate with transverse engineering disciplines interfaces specifications Calculations reports etc. Ensure efficient coordination with other parties Manage local Engineers and CAD operators support the construction manager during the realisation of Track Mockup and Track works. Measurement Design compatibility with safe construction design progress and approval to budget and programme design performance per specification product compliance to design Responsibilities Justify proposals in front of Track Project Manager partners subsystems and client if required. Managefollow up the Track design deliverables list documents reports drawings proposals etc Supervise any subcontracted design activity. Ensure compliance with standards technical specifications and procedures including Quality procedures. Approve of technical documents drawings. Participate in the deployment of trackwork technical organisation resources. Supervise and check all technical documents related to Track design activities. Monitor progress and status of design production and activity. Report directly and regularly to the Track Project Manager on the progress and status of design activity and report any deviations from targets schedules quality delays etc. Desired Knowledge Experience Knowledge of civil and mechanical works. 10 years experience in railway projects. 5 years minimum track work design experience in metro projects. Project andor construction experience preferred. Knowledge of MiddleEast preferably Saudi Arabia working environment is more...


via http://ift.tt/1cAfJJS

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