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10 فبراير 2014

Process Engineer

Job Description


Department Technical Services

Area of Work Ruwais Refinery DivisionAbu Dhabi Refinery


Performs a variety of process engineering duties in the plant. Includes monitoring performance of plants and facilities preparing daily performance summary and recommending corrective actions to deal with abnormalities. Coordinates with Operations to conduct Test Runs tests new chemicals and implements changes in plant operations. Provides functional assistance to various plant personnel in testchecking alternatives diagnosing process and corrosion problems and preparing technical specifications of operating chemicals and materials. Prepares data for new projects and major revamps.


2.1 Prepares daily performance summaries to monitor plant performance. Includes studying laboratory test reports standard log sheets and other daily operating activities reports and compiling information for supervisorrsquos review. Highlights abnormalities and advises supervisor on corrective actions for discussions.

2.2 Collects monthly plant production and operating data evaluates unit efficiencies by relating chemical and energy consumption to plant throughput. Identifies possible trends prepares reports with comments and submits to supervisor for review.

2.3 Monitors equipment and systems performance identifies potential problems and submits recommendations for appropriate actions such as revising operating modes or conditions recommending chemical dosing and specifications rescheduling of required shutdowns initiating chemical cleaning proposing modifications to existing systems and following up to ensure proper execution. Issues the monthly plant health report.

2.4 Participates in the identification of possible solutions in process problem areas includes analyzing operating reports and discussing problem items with the department concerned.

2.5 Provides functional assistance and analyses the results of special tests from operational units in order to provide further information for analysis and or to test check effectiveness of alterations. Involves close monitoring of test runs and close collaboration with the operations department.

2.6 Provides technical services and assistance to other sections such as instrumentation maintenance inspection and materials as required. Includes investigating problems associated with process diagnosing corrosion problems preparing technical specifications of operating chemicals and other materials and carrying out the technical evaluation of bids for chemicals and catalysts.

2.7 Provides comments on the drawings and Pamp I piping and instrumentation diagrams. Checks the process documentation issued by licensors for consistency. Follows up on detailed engineering of new projects checks design calculations engineering drawings and specifications and makes comments as appropriate.

2.8 Participates in HAZOP and HAZAN studies pertaining to proposed modifications including identifying potential operational and safety related problems and coordinating appropriate solutions.

2.9 Develops computer programmes for process plants monitoring and yield prediction. Applies computer simulation models and other advanced techniques to achieve optimum plant performance. Assists computer support unit in working out process control strategies systems analysis and modifications.

2.10 Assists in preparing training programs for new young engineers undergoing onthejob training by identifying specific training needs. Provides training guidance and counseling to trainees and developees on their career development.

2.11 Carries out other similar or related duties as assigned such as maintaining records and files of all process engineering activities providing daytoday routine advice to operations personnel on operating parameters and keeping abreast of developments in the field of process engineering.


    Internally Regular contacts with various operations personnel up to Section Head level to offer advice on the resolution of process problems obtain source data and when carrying out special assignments. Has similar contacts with other divisions at Head Office. Contacts with engineers of other disciplines such as mechanical electrical inspection and instrumentation to exchange information.

    Externally Regular contacts with Catalyst manufacturers vendors process licensors and designers and chemical suppliers on all matters related to Ruwais Refinery.


      Reports to Senior Process Engineer and receives work direction from Senior Process Engineer Process Engineering Section Head. Works in accordance with established policies procedures and professional engineering standards. Work is subject to review and direction.



          Daily plant visit and area of monitoring which includes plant tours and occasionally climbing the equipment. Exposed to eyestrain due to computer operation and office work.


          Normally airconditioned environment. Slight exposure to prevailing weather conditions dirt grease gases and chemicals when on site for 30 of work time.


            a B.Sc. in Chemical or Petroleum Processing Engineering.

            b 5 yearsrsquo more...


            via http://ift.tt/1h59SUm

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