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13 فبراير 2014

Operations Control Senior Officer

Job Description

The Operations Control Senior Officer is responsible for all operational actions and decisions within the Network Control Centre and for all flight operations including Irregular Operations IRROPS.nbsp The Operations Control Senior Officer works with representatives of all departments in NCC to maintain a safe and timely schedule.


Major Areas of Responsibility

nbspbull Monitor all flights to ensure flydubai network integrity

bull Align flying program in line with operational and maintenance requirements

bull Arrange and coordinate the rerouting andor replanning of flights as necessary

bull Provide guidance and assistance to all NCC personnel and contract service providers dealing with technicalmechanical defects and any other aircraft support services issues

bull Coordinate with Flight Dispatch to provide quick flight planning assistance when desired by the Commander of an aircraft

bull Monitors weather conditions aircraft position reports and aeronautical navigation charts to evaluate the progress of flight

bull Perform daily analysis of all operational delays across the flydubai network.nbsp


Primary Objectives

Exercise of operational control and flight supervision. nbspIn the interest of safety the Operations Control Senior Officer is responsible for the initiation continuation diversion and cancellation termination of flights due to operational or environmental factors.



Job Requirements

nbspbull Attention to detail

bull Strong team player

bull Ability to work under pressure in an ever changing environment

bull High level of time management and organisational skills

bull Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

bull Very good IT skills

bull Ability to decipher weather reports and NOTAMS

bull Working knowledge of airline operational procedures

bull Knowledge of aircraft performance


Education and Experience

nbspbull High School and further education holding diplomas UK GCSE in a minimum of 5 subjects at grade C or above two of the subjects must include maths and physics.nbsp Plus 2 further education diplomas UK A Level

bull Undergraduate holding a degree with a level 2 pass an advantage

bull A GCAA Flight Dispatcher licence or ability to convert a current alternative Flight Dispatcher licencecertificate to a GCAA licence

bull Must hold a valid UAE driving licence or foreign licence that can be converted.

bull 3 years in airline operations

bull Flight planning knowledge is an advantage

bull Knowledge of CAP371.


Work Environment



via http://ift.tt/1bQocbJ

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