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13 فبراير 2014

GEKFUPM Scholarship Program Job

Job Description Job Number 1892221Business GE Global Growth amp OperationsBusiness Segment Global Growth amp Operations MENATAbout Us GE is a global energy technology infrastructure finance and media company taking on the world's toughest challenges. From everyday light bulbs to fuel cell technology to cleaner more efficient jet engines GE has continually shaped our World with groundbreaking innovations for over 130 years. In fact we are one of the world's biggest companies employing over 300000 people and consistently receiving global recognition for outstanding leadership and innovation. GE employees have an unparalleled foundation on which to build their careers their abilities and their dreams. We offer all our employees challenging rewarding careers in dynamic businesses giving them a genuine chance to shape the future.Posted Position Title GEKFUPM Scholarship ProgramCareer Level CIFunction EngineeringTechnologyFunction Segment Leadership ProgramsLocation Saudi ArabiaU.S. State China or Canada Provinces City RiyadhPostal Code 11433Relocation Assistance NoRole SummaryPurpose GE Scholarship Program is an investment where GE sponsors students who meet the required criteria. The aim of this program is to build amp develop the right talent from early stages.Essential Responsibilities During the program GE will track students' performance in their studies and advise them in how to plan their courses. In addition sponsored student will be developed to raise his Leadership Capabilities communication skills and being engaged with GE culture.

GE will cover all tuition fees and will provide attractive benefits during the program as per the contract signed between GE and the student.QualificationsRequirements The program is targeting Electrical Mechanical amp Industrial Engineering.

Passed 30 Credit Hours Minimum and maximum of 90 Credit Hours.

GPA above 3 out of 4.

Strong leadership communication and Interpersonal skills.

Fluent in English amp Arabic.Additional Eligibility Qualifications Desired Characteristics

Job Segments

via http://ift.tt/1cAfFdd

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