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13 فبراير 2014

Field Service Technician II Job

Job Description Job Number 1928949Business GE Oil amp GasBusiness Segment Oil amp GasAbout Us GE Oil amp Gas' Artificial Lift division is a leader in the industry providing a comprehensive range of pumping solutions to the worldwide oil production and water industries and developing technologies to address tomorrow's energy challenges. Our innovations are many including electric submersible pumps ESP surface pumping systems SPS variable speed drives and controls as well as Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics RMampD and system integration offerings.

GE Oil amp Gas is a world leader in advanced technologies and services with 43000 employees in more than 100 countries supporting customers across the industry—from extraction to transportation to end use. Making the environment health and safety quality and integrity our highest priorities is The Way We Work. Our technologies and services include surface and subsea drilling and production monitoring and diagnostics measurement and controls largescale LNG pipeline compression and inspection well site and industrial power generation technologies for the refining and petrochemical industries and modular CNG and LNG units for transportation sectors. Through our customized service solutions training programs and technologies GE Oil amp Gas partners with customers to maximize their efficiency productivity and equipment reliability develop their next generation workforce and fully benefit from the megatrends of natural gas the growth of subsea and hardtoreach reserves and the revolution in asset health management.Posted Position Title Field Service Technician IICareer Level ExperiencedFunction ServicesFunction Segment Field ServicesLocation KuwaitU.S. State China or Canada Provinces City Postal Code Relocation Assistance NoRole SummaryPurpose The position responsibilities include installation and commissioning of ESPstroubleshooting and optimizing ESP well operations. The candidate must have a working knowledge of various types of VSD especially 18 pulse and strong electrical and mechanical abilities.Essential Responsibilities

Assists Crew leader during ESP installation Cable splicing YTools shrouds sensors packers QCI connectors POD system


Performs and records checks on installed units at the well site checking amperage and pump performance.

Prepares all necessary installation and fault finding reports and have the same signed and stamped by client personnel.

Responsible for picking all necessary tools spares and equipment for ESP installation and commissioning.

Responsible for precommissioning along with the transformer drive and necessary materials for mobilization to the location.

Prepares loading notes material requisitions from the stores delivery notes and checks for all equipment before loading.

Maintains proper reportsrecords of all ESP installation and supporting documents.

Responsible for complete tools and instrument maintenance and housekeeping

Able to work independently within multi language environment.QualificationsRequirements

Postsecondary education in Electrical or Mechanical is a minimum.

Good written and spoken English communication skills.

Minimum 5 years experience in ESP installation and commissioning.

Well experienced and possesses sound knowledge in monitoring ESP wells with good fault finding and troubleshooting skills.Additional Eligibility Qualifications Desired Characteristics

Job SegmentsMaintenance Gas T more...


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