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8 ديسمبر 2013

Senior Consultant Manager PMO Government Consulting Riyadh

. Senior Consultant Manager PMO Government Consulting Riyadh

Key Responsibilities

ManagerialLeadership Responsibilities

  • Establish accurate communication channels to management and to the project teams.

  • Guide all teams to achieve their objectives.

    Functional Responsibilities

    • Work in close cooperation with the PMO QA Manager and ProgramProject Managers Assure project standards and procedures.

    • Contribute putting Quality Criteria to be set for projects.

    • Audit current and future projects to ensure consistent use of methodologies tools and processes.

    • Develop KPI's and metrics framework for Project Dashboard to report on health of projects.

    • Work with teams to ensure compliance with establishing methodologies tools and processes.

    • Provide quality assurance around deliverable documents.

    • Review data compile metrics and prepare reports for senior management review.

      Additional Individuals Responsibilities

      • Adhoc duties related to Performance and Quality Management as assigned.


        • At least 3 years proven experience in a PMO QA capacity.

        • At least 5 years' experience in Project Management role.

        • Certified PMI Project Management Professional PMP is a must.

        • Familiar with PMI OPM and P3M3 frameworks.

        • Strong analytical skills and factbased mindset

        • Strong verbal and written communication skills to convey analytical reports to a variety of internal audiences

        • Advanced PowerPoint and Excel skills

        • Highly organized detail oriented and a creative problem solver

        • Leadership and benefits measurement skills

        • Thorough understanding of the project management process throughout the lifecycle and the ability to identify issues and take corrective actions

        • Experience using common Project Management tools especially MS Project

        • Proficient in maintenance of complex financial budget cost tracking models

        • Proficient user of all MS Office tools

        • Familiarity with project management software

        • Fluent in Arabic and English

          To apply please click

          via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/consultant/003444904.html

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