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28 ديسمبر 2013

Principal Engineer Utilities


Hyder Consulting is a multinational advisory and design consultancy. Hyder has been in operation for over 150 years working on some of the world's most iconic landmarks and infrastructure including Burj Khalifa the Sydney Harbour Bridge Tower Bridge in London and the Taiwan High Speed Railway. Employs 4000 employees worldwide.

We are totally committed to providing excellent client service through the quality of our people. We take great pride in resourcing quality professionals and creating a pleasant and friendly working environment. We seek staff that thrives on challenges both technically and commercially staff who wish to work as part of a professional team.

We are continuously recruiting talented individuals to fill our current and future vacancies for Principal Engineer Utilities role here in our Doha Qatar office.

Within this role the candidate will be expected to prepare and deliver as well as manage others in the delivery of

  • Directing subordinate members of the project team including Engineers CAD Technicians and Administration Staff in relation to the assigned work on the project.

  • Checking project deliverables for which the Project Manager is responsible including reports specifications and studies in relation to the assigned work on the project.

  • Providing technical advice to the Project Manager and Client with respect to the assigned work on the project .


    Responsibilities include but are not limited to

    • Controlling a design team engaged on all aspects of sewerage design

    • Developing outline designs for sewerage schemes

    • Production of feasibility and design stage reports

    • Controlling the detailed design of sewers and pumping stations

    • Production of tender documents

    • Tender assessments and reports

    • Liaison with the Client.

      Education Minimum Qualifications

      • Successful completion of a relevant Degree in an appropriate discipline from a recognised Tertiary Institution.

      • LicenseRegistration with a recognised authority

      • Minimum of 15 years postgraduate experience 10 in the related discipline

        Candidate Profile

        • Experience in working within a statutory organisation or consulting industry

        • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

        • An ability to identify innovative solutions to problems

        • Ability to organise and prioritise

        • Ability to work well within a team environment

        • Ability to build rapport with work colleagues

        • Valid driv more...


          via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/it/003490438.html

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