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27 ديسمبر 2013

Lead Process Engineer


Worley Parsons is a dynamic entrepreneurial empowered EPCM employing over 40000 people across 41 countries.Acircnbsp With a recognized global reputation as a provider of professional services to the energy resources and complex process industries Worley Parsons continues to push the boundaries and extend its capabilities around the world.Acircnbsp Headquartered in Australia we are a global company that prides itself on providing safe and high quality services that exceed our clients' expectations.

Please note Acircnbsp Worley Parsons Abu Dhabi is working on exciting new potential projects most likely to be awarded in January or February 2014. With this in mind we would like to hear from experienced Oil and gas candidates with a background in Process Engineering.

We are going to be looking for the potential candidates schedule interview and Offer will be discussed on award of the upcoming project during end of January 2014

Interested candidates can apply for the role

We are looking for Lead Process Engineer for our Inhouse role to be based in UAE.Acircnbsp

Position Permanent

Location Abu Dhabi UAE

Jobs Responsibilities

  • Concept studies process and hydraulic simulations mass amp energy balance PFDPampID's equipment design control systems etc.

  • Front End Engineering Design FEED

  • Detail Engineering

  • Prebid engineering and detailed technocommercial proposals.

  • Supervising coordinating and training of process engineers.

  • Ensuring Quality Assurance by conducting internal audits trained as Internal Auditor.
    Areas of expertise


    • Comprehensive experience covering upstream oil amp gas refining petrochemical and chemical processes.

    • Covered all aspects of oil amp gas separation gas treatment water disposal relief amp flare systems multiphase flow lines amp pipeline hydraulics etc.Acircnbsp through conceptual studies basicfront end design amp detailed design.

    • Use and knowledge of industry amp oil company standards and software like PIPESIM PROII HYSYS PROSIM HTRI HTFS FLARENET etc.

    • Good experience of both steady state and transient hydraulic analysis software like PIPESYS ProFES OLGA 2000 PIPEPHASE TLNET etc.

    • Extensively participated in HAZID HAZOP SIL assessment and Design Reviews.

      • Dynamic and enthusiastic approach.

      • Excellent communication and presentation skills.

      • Ability to work in a team environment and demonstrated performance as a team leader.

      • AcircnbspA practical hands on approach is required.
        Education Qualification

        • Minimum Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering or equivalent.
          Experience Level

          • Minimum 15 years in the field of oil amp gas refinery petrochemical process design. Preference will be given for candidates with experience in the Middle East engineering consultancy companies.
            If your skills and experience match the above criteria and the opportunity to work on this exciting project sounds of interest please apply dir more...


            via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003489185.html

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