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28 ديسمبر 2013

Head of Quality Assurance

Purpose and Scope

To holistically ensure the quality of output delivered by IT against the agreed IT Performance Agenda. This includes a focus on People Risk Service Finance Change. In essence this is the glue that pulls all the IT activity together ensuring that we can deliver against our operational performance objectives.

Key Responsibilities

Lead and manage resources and activities that oversee the Quality of IT deliverables.

Produce timely reporting covering IT Service Risk People metrics. Liaise with the EPMO Finance to ensure the timely reporting of projects status and financial reporting respectively.

Lead the drive for IT cost reduction and productivity improvement.

Act as the main coordination for IT with both IT Risk and Audit. Take responsibility for documenting the associated Risk and Audit action logs and ensuring completion dates are met.

Manage all IT vendors on behalf of the Bank. This involves taking responsibility for all IT Supplier Contracts SLA's and Licensing agreements. Liaison with all IT teams Procurement and Finance.

Manage the IT Divisional budget within limits. Ensure all IT procurement is within Bank Governance.

Identify IT Divisional training needs and construct and manage an annual IT Training Plan.

Lead the implementation of ORM Self Assessments across the IT Division and coordinate the associated action log.

Act as the single point of contact for all IT Regulatory and Compliance requests and ensure that the associated plans are managed.

Lead and coordinate with HR on all People related plans and actions. Specifically this will cover Divisional Performance Management Reward Recognition and Talent Development.

Launch and manage the IT Champions programme.

Act as the focal point for all IT internal staff communication.


University Degree in Computer Studies Business

Should have 12 years in working in IT environments. Advantage if they have a Banking background


University Degree in Computer Studies Business

via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/al-kuwait/it/003491836.html

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