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Custom Search

1 ديسمبر 2013

Group Product Manager


Attractive Tax Free Salary Company Vehicle Accommodation allowance Generous Leave Return Flights Medical Cover Childrenacirc128153s Education Allowance Discretionary Bonus etc.

The company

Almarai is the largest integrated dairy foods company in the world with an unrivaled reputation synonymous with delivering excellence and quality across its entire range of products. Operating across the gulf region Almarai currently employs over 27000 employees servicing some 50000 retail outlets with a turnover that exceeded 2.6 billion in 2012

An aggressive expansion program together with acquisitions in new vertical markets have created an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic multinational team dedicated to furthering growth plans for the group

The Opportunity

As the Group Product manager you will be responsible for the management growth and development of a rich existing and planned portfolio of products. Establishing the core vision for existing lines and future launches your strategic plan will be pivotal in realising both marketing and budgetary goals for the company. Communicating with both internal and external stake holders you will manage the creative process and media plan for each individual product category. This role is central to the Almarai mission to further realise and improve our market share within new and existing market segments. The ideal candidate will have significant exposure in a similar capacity within a FMCG or food manufacturing environment across the MENA or GCC regions

Candidates without the following will not be considered

Minimum of 5 years marketing and brand management experience

Minimum of 3 years experience within a reputable FMCG environment in the Middle East

Proven track record in building brands and launching new products

Fluent in both written and spoken English

Degree qualified with preferably a marketing specialism

Almarai offers an excellent tax free package which includes a competitive salary performance bonus accommodation allowance company car medical cover return flights

This is a fantastic opportunity to join a successful and expanding global business of more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003428951.html

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