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27 ديسمبر 2013

Finance and Reporting Manager


Job purpose and Scope

Manage the Finance department of Technip Middle East operating center in Doha with full accountability for projects financial control budget control forecast of center's performancereporting of activity indicators and implementation of the new ERP system

Key Responsibilities

This position requires coordination with various departments of Technip in Doha and Regional H.O. and a proper organization in order to ensure that the operating center reporting is timely and accurately prepared analyzed and submitted.

The Finance amp Reporting Manager is also in charge of

  • Financial control of the projects

  • Proposingidentifying actions for improving the efficiency of the team and work processes within the Department and identifying cost savings initiatives.
    With the assistance of his team main responsibilities and tasks are the following

    1. Supervise and coordinate the Reporting process Budget and Forecast and its input in the Group reporting tools TogetherTEAM

    2. Supervise and coordinate financial aspects of commercial bids

    3. Monitor the migration of Technip in Doha to a new ERP system with support of the Corporate and regional dedicated teams

    4. Supervise Projects Financial Control team

    5. Coordinate the timely and efficiently implementation of new Group procedures

    6. Development of the team skills tools optimization and procedures

      Must have

      This position requires good technical knowledge and experience in Accounting IASIFRS forecasting of long term contracts and Budget Control

      Strong management organizational and communication skills dynamism and strong involvement to meet the deadlines requirements and challenges of this new position are essential. Solid analytical skills and ease with analytical tools are a must.

      The candidate should ideally have an audit experience followed by a similar position in an International Group. Overall 10 years experience is expected.

      Fluent English is mandatory French is a plus

      Organisational Relationship

      • Hierachically to Country Manager

      • Operationally to Regional CFO

        • Budget Control

        • Forecasting and Reporting

        • Project Financial Control

        • Proposal
          Liaising with

          via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/finance/003489167.html

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