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Custom Search

30 نوفمبر 2013

Teach Abroad with Teach Away


Teach in Abu Dhabi

Teach Away is currently hiring teachers to participate in one of the world39s largest education reform initiatives. The education system in Abu Dhabi is being revamped to create a more studentcentered learning environment. In addition the language of instruction is being changed from Arabic to English for the subjects of English Maths and Science. Those educators motivated to take on this challenge will be rewarded with lucrative benefits and the rewarding feeling of helping shape a nation39s educational strategy. Positions available include KG Primary and Middle School English Maths and Science and Secondary English.

For a January 2014 start please apply online now following the instructions on our homepage

Job Details

Start Date January and August 2014

Contract Duration 2 years

Location Abu Dhabi UAE

Student Level Primary KG6 English Maths amp Science and Secondary English

Number of Vacancies 300

Teaching Benefits

Salary 1230020400 AEDmonth taxfree approx. 2085 GBP 3400 GBP

Flight Return airfare provided including spouse and up to 3 dependants

Housing Accommodations provided furnished or furniture allowance provided

Health Insurance Provided by employer including spouse and up to 3 dependants

Visa Sponsorship Provided by employer

Holidays Summer Holiday all national holidays

Additional Benefits 1 month salary per year completion bonus taxfree salary annual flight allowance


  • Bachelor39s degree any discipline

  • Teacher certificationlicense qualified to teach in the UK or home country certified in relevant subject area

  • Minimum 12 years of teaching experience at relevant level

    How to Apply

    Qualified applicants should apply online at the Teach Away homepage.

    In person interviews will be held in London and Dublin in late October Early November

    About Teach Away Inc.

    As a global educational recruitment firm Teach Away Inc. offers a wide range of international teaching and educational administration jobs. Each year thousands of teachers explore the world and experience a new culture through Teach Awayacirc128153s international teaching programs. Teach Awayacirc128153s services are free for teachers. Teach Away provides teachers with access to an extensive netw more...


    via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/teaching/003426647.html

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