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نحن نعمل جاهدا على ان نختصر لك الطريق فى الوصول الى الوظيفة المنشوده التى تبحث عنها لذا قمنا بإنشاء محرك بحث خاص بالموقع مدعوم شركة جوجل للبحث فى جميع الوظائف التى يتم نشرها على الموقع لذا يمكنك وبكل سهولة الوصول الى وظيفة فى مجال عملك من هنا. إرشادات يمكنك اتباعها لتسهيل عملية البحث عن وظيفة - اكتب فى محرك البحث بالأسفل كلمات تدل على المجال الذى ترغب فيه الأمثلة بالاسفل هى مجرد امثلة للبحث يمكنك تعديلها او الاضافة عليها البحث عن طريق استخدام التخصص مثل: وظائف للمحاسبين وظائف للصيادلة البحث عن طريق إستخدام المكان: وظائف فى فنادق وظائف شاغرة فى دبى وظائف فى بنوك وظائف فى شركة اتصالات وظائف فى السفارة الأمريكية أبحث عن وظيفة فى مجالك بإستخدام صندوق البحث بالأسفل

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30 نوفمبر 2013

Service Manager Automotive Saudi ArabiaKSA


An exciting opportunity has arisen for an experienced Service Manager to work for a leading international distributor of a recognized car manufacturer within their operations in Saudi Arabia.

The successful Service Manager would be responsible for

acirc128cent Increasing efficiency turnover and profits to exceed set budgets.

acirc128cent Ensuring the service department operates to the highest possible standards at all times delivering value for money for customers and excellent training opportunities for the employees.

acirc128cent Develop relationships with customers manufacturer partners and colleagues.

acirc128cent To ensure that all vehicle repair and other work is carried out within an operational framework and to a standard that meets or exceeds all relevant legislation good practice guidelines and delivers first class customer service.

acirc128cent Motivating and training staff to perform developing and improving processes and systems at the same time as driving the business forward.

Personal requirements

acirc128cent Proven track record within an Service Management role within the Automotive industry

acirc128cent Extensive experience working within the Automotive industry

acirc128cent Experience of working within the Middle East and experience of the market or in countries such as Saudi Arabia Bahrain Qatar UAE Kuwait Oman Yemen Iraq Jordan Lebanon or Syria

acirc128cent Must have worked within a car and vehicle orientated role

acirc128cent Being able to speak Arabic is preferable

acirc128cent Experience of working with more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/automotive/003426653.html

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