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25 نوفمبر 2013

Senior Geophysicist Aberdeen Perm Progressive Global Energy

Progressive Global Energy has been tasked with finding a Senior Geophysicist to join a key account in Aberdeen.

The company are a very reputable consultancy who covers a number of disciplines worldwide. Due to considerable growth within their Aberdeen facilities they are looking to recruit a candidate to fill the above mentioned role. Due to the varied requirements of the position there is not a set salary as it will purely depend upon previous experience.

By working with the company you will be able to

Work with professionals in their field.

Develop your skillset.

Be seen as a specialist within the industry.

Participate in integrated project teams.

Work on numerous interesting projects with different clients.

The successful candidate for this position will meet the following criteria

At least 8 years of discipline related work.

2D and 3D seismic interpretation and analysis.

Experience in depth conversion and mapping.

Experience in Petrel or Kingdom software.

Well planning and target definition experience.

Understanding of rock physics seismic acquisitionprocessing and reservoir engineering.

Previous working experience with a Major Operator andor Consultancy would be beneficial.

Previous North Sea experience would be advantageous.

If you39re interested in speaking to me about the chance to work with a global leader and you feel you have the skills to match the criteria please forward your latest CV to Will Currie at Progressive Global Energy for consideration and call into the office for further details.


Progressive Global Energy amp Natural Resources is proud to be a member of EIC.

Status Staff Minimum Experience 0 years Location Aberdeen INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 60000 130000 UK Poundsyear Advert Published 25 Nov 2013

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003415713.html

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