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Custom Search

30 نوفمبر 2013

Quality Assurance QC Deputy Manager Railway Track

Our client is a renowned international company contractor for the contruction of a very large scale and Landmark Railway Construction project in Saudi Arabia.

They are currently looking for a Deputy Quality Assurance Quality Control QAQC Manager to establish and implement Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures Policies and Documents for site construction activities mainly Track works.

The Deputy QAQC Manager will be reporting to the QAQC Manager. He will manage at team made of Senior QAQC Engineer QAQC Engineers and Inspectors.

The position is based onsite and the candidate will be provided his own room in a compound accommodation.


Development of the Project Quality Plans and overseeingauditing its execution for compliance

Responsible to ensure that Trackworks and Processes related to them are in compliance with Design amp Construction Standards.

Provides proactive quality management support to the assigned projects during all phases.

Participates in specification development peer reviews of designs witness factory acceptance field installations testing and commissioning for compliance with the Project Quality Plan.

Provide the Project Team with observation and surveillance reports as well as issuance of nonconformance notices when corrective work is required.

Plans and conducts quality audits and surveillances for company and subcontractors to evaluate level of compliance with the established requirements and prepare objectiveconcise reports.

Verification of Corrective Action Requests.

Facilitates inspections as needed.

Establishes and maintains effective communication links and working relationship with the Client.

Perform other assignments as requested by Senior Management.


Previous experience 5 to 10 years experience in Quality with 5 years experience Railways RAILWAY EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Ideally previous experience related to Trackworks projects.

Education Bachelor degree in Civil Engineer or related discipline

Nationality Any

وصف الشركة

Elite Recruitment Group is a specialised Search and Selection agency for Middle East and Asia projects.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/%d8%ac%d8%af%d8%a9/it/003426635.html

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