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25 نوفمبر 2013

Logistics and Materials Manager North Africa J7778 Prodrill Energy Resource Solutions

Our Client a Global Upstream Oil and Gas Operator have a requirement for an experienced Logistics and Materials Manager for a facility in North Africa

The ideal candidate should have an Onshore Drilling background in a similar role ideally with Operator experience and have good working knowledge of procurement systems.

Your duties will include

Development and to put in place systematic logistics and materials management processes.

To oversee all SourcingProcurement and Expedition required Drilling Materials as per Drilling Programme

Contracts Management and Purchase Order Expedition

Oversee the preparation of client inventory and end of well reconciliation

Stock control and coordination of load out and return of project materials on call on call off basis as per the 7 to 10 day look ahead.

Mentor of local national staff

Overseeing of all Supply chain process.

The ideal applicant mush be fluent in Written and Spoken English. Also conversant in Arabic as this would also be highly advantageous for this role. You must also have a proven work history in a similar role at a management level.

To apply for this position please quote Enquiry Ref No J7778 supplying details of your availability expected rate.

Status tbc Location North Africa INTERNATIONAL Onshorenbsp Offshorenbsp nbsp Advert Published 25 Nov 2013

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003415707.html

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