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17 أكتوبر 2013

Subcontracts Engineer


My client one of the leading EPC contractors is looking for a SubContracts Engineer and a SubContracts Manager to join a busy team based in Abu Dhabi. They have recently been awarded three new projects in Qatar Kuwait Saudi and Abu Dhabi and the team is growing so this is a fantastic opportunity for someone looking for a long term contract on three exciting new projects.

We are looking for people with EPC experience on onshore and offshore projects through the fabrication installation and construction phases. One project is an onshore construction project one being an offshore fabrication project and the other being an onshore and offshore pipeline project. We will review the suitability to each project based on your previous experience.

Both roles are based in Abu Dhabi there is flexibility around providing a rotation although this is to be confirmed of what the rotation will be.

We are looking for someone to start before Christmas so please advise on your availability the latest start date would be the beginning of January 2014. The contract will last between 23 years with the possibility of this being extended.

Must speak fluent English Arabic is a bonus.

Accommodation is included but travel not included. There may be a possibility in the future for the role to be site based and if so there will be an uplift in the daily rate.

Please advise if you'd be interested in this position and provide me with your CV and contact details so we can discuss further.

Alternatively if these positions are not of interest at this time please let me know if you can recommend anyone that more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003324226.html

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