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12 أكتوبر 2013

Safety and Environment Section Head

Job Title Safety and Environment Section Head

Reports to HSE Department manager

Department Health Safety Environment Department

A. Job Purpose

Improve safety in SSC by supporting the development of safetysecurity policies and standards. Support compliance monitoring and perform safety audits

 Promote guide and support SSC´s overall compliance with environmental and industrial hygiene requirements. Protect SSC against current and future environmental liabilities.

B. Description

Safety and Environmental Strategy Policy and Standards Setting

 Develop safetyhealth policies and standards for SSC.

 Develop programs and policies on how to manage solid waste and wastewater including standards on waste minimization.

 Set emissions target and reduction plan.

 Monitor changes in environmental legislation .

 Coordinate with authorities to ensure legal compliance. Translate new legislation into procedures to ensure compliance across SSC.

Performance Measurement

 If required support or in some instances conduct internal and external HSE audits and accident investigations track results and support followup of nonconformances

 Perform common environmental technical services such as stack sampling and fugitive emissions for SSC

 Support the monthly datacollection for monitoring the safety performance and prepare the safety sections of the monthly and annual reports

Knowledge Management and Professional Support

 Work on the development of safety related training programs and conduct trainings when required to ensure all SSC staff are equipped with the relevant HSE knowledge.

 Provide hazard prevention support and advice

 Keep technical and legal knowledge on safetyhealth areas uptodate

 Communicate changes in legislation to stakeholders and ensure compliance

 Support the negotiation with MEPA on legal issues such as temporary variances of permits and new legal requirements and their implementation.

 Develop programs to raise environmental awareness among employees public and customers

 Support PR in their contacts with the media on environmental issues with SSC products if required.


 Take ownership of own career and skill development by constantly maintaining and increasing subject matter expertise in both general and required specialization areas.

C. Communications Working Relationships


 SSC’s HSE department

 Other SSC departments mainly operations departments


 Government entities


 Environmental Professional Experts

 Vendors and Contractors



 Degree in science or engineering special degrees in safety management environment or occupational safety and health is a plus.


 7 years of experience in relevant field.


 English Arabic oral and written.


 Attention to detail and thoroughness in completing tasks.

 Demonstrate Leadership Abilities.

 Promote Teamwork and Cooperation.

 Inspire Trust and Motivation.

This job is posted in the following Specialties

Security Analysis Safety Management Industrial Safety Environmental Health

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/jizan/003319920.html

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