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30 أكتوبر 2013

Retail Positions Sharaf DG India Campaign

About The Brand

Since its inception in 2005 Sharaf DG has come a long way and achieved many milestones to become one of the leading powerhouse retailers in the GCC region. UAE8217s first ever BigBox concept started its journey as a 15000 sq. ft. electronics store in Dubai. The brand8217s perseverance and hard work has paid off with 25 stores in UAE Oman and Bahrain today and more in the offing.

Sharaf Group Retail Division currently operates 25 Sharaf DG storesoutlets in the U.A.E. and 2013 will see 5 more stores opening in the GCC and our first ever Sharaf DG in Qatar.

Working with Sharaf DG means working for one of the leading electronics retailers in the GCC. We ensure our employees stay current on all the fantastic technology and products that we offer by giving continual training that starts on day 1. At Sharaf DG our team doesn8217t simply interact with customers they create customer experiences. If you have a passion for technology and have a track record of customer service success you8217ll love working with us!

About The Role

You will monitor review and track all category sales activities in the store within your remit. You will also engage with the sales team in communication of daily targets daily rostering and dispute resolution.

You will be responsible for ensuring the category products are merchandised in line with the brand guidelines and store planogram.

Working closely with the Manager on Duty you will be responsible for measuring and reporting your category performance against predetermined targets on a daily basis. You will lead a team of Sales Executives coaching and training them to drive sales and achieve highest levels of customer service.

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/it/003350981.html

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