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11 أكتوبر 2013

Precommissioning Manager Process Plant

. This international contractor require a Precommissioning Manager to work on the construction of a Process plant in the Eastern Province of KSA

Candidates should have a HNDdegree and a proven track record in commissioning of process plants

Responsibilities include

Managing overall commissioning activities required to bring the project from Construction Completion to Mechanical Completion.

Identification manpower requirements and mobilization.

Together with the project HSE Coordinator ensures rollout of HSE procedures.

Lessons learned are efficiently captured and transferred.

Ensure that the PreCommissioning procedures are developed in accordance with best practices.

Procedures associated with PreCommissioning activities are rolled out and adopted by the PreCommissioning Team.

Ensure that the PreCommissioning schedule is developed in accordance with best practices.

Integration of the PreCommissioning schedule into the project schedule.

Ensure that PreCommissioning progress is in line with the project requirements by identifying any potential schedule delays and recommending mitigation actions.

Develop and issue monthly and weekly commissioning progress reports.

Develop KPI's related to PreCommissioning activities.

Communicate with other departments to address schedule and performance concerns.

Interface and communicate with Construction to obtain best practice and performance from the Construction and Commissioning team.

Ensure that system owners are assigned and that punching hold and witness points are consistently applied.

Ensure the development and implementation of system handover plan.

Ensure smooth handover from construction to PreCommissioning

Continuous review progress against plan and identify areas of concern.

Ensure efficient handover from PreCommissioning to Company.

Assist Company during Commissioning and performance test.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/airlines/003318410.html

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