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Custom Search

17 أكتوبر 2013

Marketing Coordinator Qatar


AECOM are currently seeking an experienced Marketing Coordinator for Qatar. The successful applicant will be responsible for assisting in production administrative

andor logistics tasks for marketing projects that include statements of qualifications proposals presentations and other marketing materials.

Minimum Requirements

  • Assisting in promoting and maximising awareness of the organization through effective development and delivery of PR strategy.

  • Managing marketing activities of the organization.

  • Assisting with producing of press releases press and media events case studies fact files service and launches.

  • Managing media enquiries giving response in a timely and appropriate way.

  • Liaising with the Business Development team in developing and delivering internalexternal relationship building initiatives.

  • Developing and maintaining a comprehensive set of prequalification and proposal

  • material

  • Assisting when required by departmental project teams with adviceguidance in the preparation of bid documents.

  • Contributing to planning of any arrangements for official events internal or external.

  • Reporting wins losses and maintain monthly management report on a monthly basis and

  • when required.

  • Driving prequalification timetable with senior managers as required.

  • Managing production and submission of all prequalifications.

  • Managing production and submission of all suppliervendor registration to government

  • authorities and other developers.

  • Driving the development of Marketing Material collateral. Also administer and maintain material on the Marketing Drive for use in submissions.

  • Developing updating and maintaining Marketing databases CVs Project Profiles etc.

  • Driving the development of intranet material like templates and various skill sheets along side Communications.

    Preferred Qualifications

    Bachelor Degree in Marketing Business Administration or any related field.

    What We Offer

    AECOM is a place where you can put your innovative thinking and business skills into high gear and work alongside other highly intelligent and motivated people. It's a place where you can apply your skills to some of the world's most challenging interesting and meaningful projects worldwide. It's a place that values the diversity of our areas of practice and our people. more...


    via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/marketing/003324185.html

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