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16 أكتوبر 2013

Field Engineer General RNS


Main DutiesResponsibilities Our Reservoir Navigation Geosteering Supervisors are experts in high level LWD log interpretation especially in the horizontal environment. Utilizing 3D visualization combined with LWD response modelling software our aim is to integrate understanding of both the geological objectives and the drilling process. Reservoir Navigation Geosteering Supervisors will be responsible for all prewell modelling and will also act as focal point for Reservoir Navigation Services at the well site. They are proactive in realtime decision making and work as part of a team with the LWD crew Directional Drillers Geologists and Company Representatives to ensure optimum wellbore placement.

  • HSE Participate in the Baker Hughes HSampE Management System including compliance to the policy management standards and specific HSampE procedures. To continuously improve HSampE performance through supervision and accountability within the management structure of Baker Hughes

  • Technical support for Reservoir Navigation Geosteering operations to include prepost well interpretationmodelling log productionQC where applicable

  • Customer liaisonpresentation on Reservoir Navigation Geosteering and Geoscience operations where applicable

  • Well site client office supervision of Reservoir Navigation Geosteering operations and liaison with MWD DDS and drilling personnel

  • Realtime well site log interpretation for Reservoir Navigation Geosteering operations

  • Maintain and update of databasecase histories of individual operations.

  • Testing and support of Reservoir Navigation software and systems as applicable.

  • Training of Reservoir Navigation Supervisors as applicable.

  • Any duties as required by Product Line Manager RNS and any other duties as required.

    Required Qualifications

    • Education to degree level. BSc BEng or BA

    • Minimum of 5 years high level LWD experience or minimum 5 years well site geology experience or minimum 5 years industry experience in another related discipline.

    • Good communication skills

      • Log interpretation. Be able to derive meaning from LWD formation evaluation data and QC data to ensure its accuracy.

      • Landing a well. Have an understanding of how to land a well in the desired target and be aware of correlation of geological markers.

      • Knowledge of rig operations and the affect of these on realtime data gathering.

      • Be able to communicate complex ideas to senior decision members and be able to defend decisions made


        Baker Hughes is a leading supplier of oilfield services products technology and systems to the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. By being the service company that best anticipates understands and exceeds our customers' expectations Baker Hughes Advances Reservoir Performance. The company's 57000plus employees work in more than 80 countries in geomarket teams that help customers find evaluate drill produce transport and process hydrocarbon resources. Baker Hughes' technology centers in the world's leading energy markets are pushing the boundaries to overcome progressively more complex challenges. Baker Hughes develops solutions designed to help manage operating expenses maximize reserve recovery and boost overall return on investment through the entire life cycle of an oil or gas asset. Collaboration is the foundation upon which Baker Hughes builds our business and develops nextgeneration products and services for drilling and evaluation completions and production and fluids and chemi more...


        via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/engineer/003323327.html

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